McDonald’s Germany Best Big Mac

I spent several months in Hamburg in 2023 shooting for McDonald’s Germany with the brilliant Scholz and Friends. We shot almost every item on the menu as part of the launch of their new Best Burger campaign, creating a new look with a looser more delicious food world.

The shoot came with various technical challenges around workflow, layers, focus stacking and different angles to be captured of the same build, but I'm particularly proud that you can look at the images and even without a logo know that it's McDonald's. That is whilst having pushed the brand forward, away from the plastic, fake model made world of the past into an aesthetic that is real, tactile and most importantly... delicious.

I'm super proud that Der Neue Big Mac still looks iconically like a Big Mac, but feels in the modern burger world of Honest Burgers, Patty & Bun etc.

I couldn't tell you how many stills we shot alongside several TV commercials and in store motion assets (with some challenging crops!) Thanks to Tabletop pros The Marmalade - true masters of their craft in producing those elements.

Huge thanks to Scholz&Friends and McDonald’s Germany, Plus the Peter Bailey Team for everything. Jurgen, Toby & Florian and Udo, Lottie & Sophie! I hope to see you all again soon.


McDonald’s Best Burger


Doritos Dippers